Toilets Cleaning
( number of products: 170 )There are many different toilet cleaners that can be used to clean and disinfect. Here are some popular types:
1. Toilet cleaning fluids - these are special fluids intended for cleaning the inside of the toilet bowl. They usually contain strong disinfectants and leave a fresh scent.
2. Toilet tablets - they can be thrown into the water tank or attached to the inside walls of the toilet bowl. They dissolve and release detergents and disinfecting ingredients when rinsing.
3. Toilet Disinfectant Sprays - These are sprays that can be used to spray and clean all surfaces around the toilet, such as the body, lid and flush.
4. Cleaning and disinfecting agents in cubes or gels - can be used to clean toilets and maintain hygiene. They are usually applied with a toilet brush and then rinsed.
5. Homemade cleaning products - You can also use natural ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda or lemon to clean the toilet. For example, vinegar can be mixed with water and sprayed on the interior surfaces of the toilet and then cleaned with a brush.
It is important to always read labels and instructions, follow manufacturer recommendations, and avoid mixing different cleaning products to avoid dangerous chemical reactions. Additionally, always remember to wear protective gloves when cleaning toilets.

Microbec ultra Preparat do szamb i przydomowych oczyszczalni ścieków 25 g

Ace Ultra Power WC Gel Bleach and Detergent Lemon Scent 750 ml

Bref WC Color Aktiv+ Eucalyptus toilet bowl fragrance and cleaning hanger 2 x 50 g

Bref WC Color Aktiv+ Eucalyptus toilet bowl fragrance and cleaning hanger 50 g

Bref WC Color Aktiv+ Fresh flowers toilet bowl cleaning and fragrance pendant 2 x 50 g

Bref WC Color Aktiv+ Toilet bowl cleaning and fragrance pendant, marine color, 2 x 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Toilet bowl cleaning and fragrance hanger lemon 2 x 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Toilet bowl cleaning and fragrance hanger lemon 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Toilet bowl cleaning and fragrance pendant flower 3 x 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Toilet bowl cleaning and fragrance pendant lemon 3 x 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Washing and Fragrance Hanger for Toilet Bowl Pine 2 x 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Washing and Fragrance Hanger for Toilet Bowl Pine Forest 50g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Washing and Fragrance Hanger for Toilet Bowls Lavender 2 x 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Washing and Fragrance Hanger for Toilet Bowls Lavender 3 x 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Washing and Fragrance Hanger for Toilet Bowls Lavender 50g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Washing and Fragrance Hanger for Toilet Bowls Ocean 2 x 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Washing and Fragrance Hanger for Toilet Bowls Ocean 3 x 50 g

Bref WC Power Aktiv Washing and Fragrance Hanger for Toilet Bowls Ocean 50g

Cillit Bang Expert Spray for surface disinfection cleanliness and disinfection 750 ml

Cillit Bang Toilet Cleaning Tablets Freshness Pine Forest 135 g (6 x 22.5 g)

Cillit Bang Trudne zabrudzenia Produkt do czyszczenia i dezynfekcji muszli toaletowej 750 ml

Cillit Bang Wybielanie i dezynfekcja Produkt do czyszczenia i dezynfekcji muszli toaletowej 750 ml

Domestos Extended Power Atlantic Fresh Cleaning and Disinfection Fluid 1 l

Domestos Extended Power Citrus Fresh Cleaner and Disinfectant 1 l

Domestos Extended Power Pine Fresh Cleaner and Disinfectant 1 l

Domestos Extended Power Pine Fresh Cleaner and Disinfectant 750 ml

Domestos Power Foam Arctic Fresh Cleaning Foam Toilet & Bathroom 435 ml

Domestos Power Foam Citrus Blast Foam Cleaner Toilet & Bathroom 435 ml

Domestos Power Foam Floral Fresh Foam Cleaner Toilet & Bathroom 435 ml

Domestos Professional Pine Fresh Cleaning and Disinfection Fluid 5 l

DR BECKMANN Odkamieniacz do WC aktywna piana WĘGIEL AKTYWNY CYTRYNA 3x100 g

Dr. Beckmann Ocean Breeze Toilet Cleaning Strips 44 g (20 pieces)

Duck Aqua Blue 4in1 Marine Double Toilet Hanger 72g (2 x 36g)

Duck Fresh Discs Gel toilet disc with a marine scent 72 ml (2 x 36 ml)

Duck Fresh Discs Lavender Gel toilet disc with lavender scent 36 ml

Duck Fresh Discs Lavender-scented gel toilet disc 72 ml (2 x 36 ml)

Duck Fresh Discs Lime-scented gel toilet disc 72 ml (2 x 36 ml)

kret Bio flushing block with enzyme activator 150 g (3 x 50 g)

Microbec ultra tabletki Preparat do szamb i przydomowych oczyszczalni ścieków
Many companies producing toilet cleaners exist in the market. Here are some examples of popular manufacturers:
1. Domestos - a well-known brand specializing in toilet cleaners, offering various products, including pastes and liquids.
2. Cif - a brand that produces various cleaning products, including special foams for cleaning toilets.
3 Duck products are intended for cleaning bathroom surfaces such as sinks, toilets, faucets and shower cabins. This means that Duck products are specifically designed to effectively clean your toilet and are able to remove dirt, limescale, stains etc. However, a particular Duck product may have different uses so it is always worth checking the instructions on the packaging to make sure it is suitable for cleaning the toilet. It is also worth being careful and following the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the use of the product in the toilet.
4. Frosch products are dedicated to various uses at home, including cleaning toilets. The company offers special cleaning products intended for cleaning toilet bowls, which are effective and gentle on the surface. However, it is always worth reading the instructions on the packaging and following the manufacturer's recommendations to obtain the best results and stay safe during use.
5. Bref - a manufacturer offering various toilet cleaning products, including tablets, cartridges and gels.
6. Cilit Bang for toilets is known for its high effectiveness in removing dirt, scale, rust and other deposits from the toilet surface. However, product effectiveness may vary depending on individual conditions and type of dirt. It is always a good idea to read the user manuals and be careful when using such detergents.
7. Ace Ultra is designed to clean toilets. It is a strong acidic cleaner that helps remove sediment, scale, rust and other contaminants from your toilet. However, remember to use it in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and be careful when using it.