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Currently on the market you will find hundreds of different hair dyes, differing in color, ingredients - natural or a little less, the ethics of their production, durability and many other components. When choosing a hair dye, take one that you feel good about yourself. Remember that the final color of your hair, after using the dye, will differ from the dye itself, depends, among other things, on the current color of your hair and and sticking to the instructions for use, added to the product.

How do you choose your hair color?

The best way is to feel comfortable and confident with it. ;) That's the most important thing, but if you actually need a little guidance on whether to dye your hair red, brown, blonde, raven black or blue here are a few elements to pay attention to:

eye color, skin color, hair thickness, clothing style, currently fashionable colors.

Stand in front of the mirror and try to imagine yourself in some hair color.

How to read hair dye colors?

Each hair dye, in addition to its colorful name, has a special number that determines its main color and the additional effects it gives to the hair. You can find more on this topic at the very bottom of the page or by clicking how to read hair dye colors

How to find out what color hair dye is?

Every hair dye has in its name a majestic description of the color that can be obtained by using the dye on the hair. However, these incredibly colorful names often tell the user nothing. Therefore, in addition to this, in the names of hair dyes also appears a number from which we can decipher what a particular dye offers us. Of course, if we know the secret color code* ;)

Color palette of paints, how to read color numbers.

The first number in hair dyes indicates their basic color, the lower the number, the darker the color

The basic color levels are:

1 - black
2 - very dark brown
3 - dark brown
4 - brown
5 - light brown
6 - dark blonde
8 - light blond
9 - very light blond
10 - very, very light blonde
10 and 1/2 - super light blonde
The second digit in the color number indicates its shade, the reflection.

0 - neutral, deepening or reducing the depth of the reflex, base color
1 - ashy (blue, cool)
2 - iridescent (purple, cool)
3 - golden (warm)
4 - copper (warm)
5 - mahogany (warm)
6 - red (cherry, cool)
7 - metallic (cool)
8 - mocha
The third number also determines the reflection of the paint, but it is a smaller, additional shade. Addendum. And you read them the same way

0 - neutral, deepening or reducing the depth of the reflex, the base color
1 - ashy (blue, cool)
2 - iridescent (purple, cool)
3 - golden (warm)
4 - copper (warm)
5 - mahogany (warm)
6 - red (cherry, cool)
7 - metallic (cool)
8 - mocha
Very important here is the 0 - (seemingly such a zero, but it always makes a difference). If it is located as the second digit it means that the reflection will be less intense, if as the third, it means that it will be more intense.

Series of hair dyes

read the same as in any other case, or rely on the flowery description of the color, which absolutely will not be wrong, but our idea of it may be a bit out of line with the manufacturer's imagination.

*NOTE: in some cases, we may come across other hair dye color designations.

N - neutral, natural
A - ashy
NA - neutral with complementary ash shade
B - beige, brown
S - silver
G - golden
V - iridescent, purple
R - red
